Best Mastoidectomy surgery hospital in bangalore

Mastoidectomy : The ear surgery


What is Mastoidectomy ?
Mastoidectomy is the surgery that involved removal of the disease part of air filled
spaces in the mastoid bone ( the bone that is a part of the skull that lies just behind
the ear ).
Mastoidectomy is one of many approaches to ear surgery ,and though has many
indications is usually indicated for chronic Otitis Media ( chronic infection of the
middle ear ).


What is the rationale behind a Mastoidectomy?
When you are diagnosed with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media , it results in
infection of the air cells in the mastoid (the closed tight honeycomb like
architecture of the mastoid bone) which results in suppuration and has to be
extirpated completely.
What are the advantages of mastoid surgery?
Mastoid surgery is aimed at halting the disease progression and also providing
complete and permanent cure.
It can alleviate the symptoms and prevent complications
The symptoms of complications include
 Hearing loss
 Giddiness
 Facial nerve damage; facial asymmetry
 Extension of disease to the inner EAR
 Meningitis and intracranial spread

Is the surgery done under general / local anesthesia?
The surgery can be done under both local anesthesia with nerve blocks around the
ear or general anesthesia with oral intubation . The brief steps involved include :


Creating an incision behind the ear
 Opening the mastoid bone using Specialized instruments and drill
 Elimination of disease foci and exentration of the mastoid air cells
 Closure of the wound
 Mastoid dressing ( a type of compressed ear dressing)
How serious is Mastoidectomy surgery ?
The extent and invasiveness of Surgery depends on the disease progression .
However most cases Mastoidectomy is a simple surgery which is done under
general or local anesthesia .
The types of mastoidectomies include :
 Simple cortical Mastoidectomy involves removal of only the disease air


cells and the ear ossicles ( small bones in the ear : malleus (hammer),
incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup) are left untouched

 Canal wall up mastoidectomy : This is little more invasive to the simple ,in
which more drilling is required to acquire access to the ear ossicles . The
ear canal is not manipulated in this surgery
 Canal wall down mastoidectomy: This is little more invasive to the Canal
wall up mastoidectomy, in which the main aim to to provide a disease free ,
a non discharging ear . All the disease air cells are completely exentrated
and the bone is converted into a single cavity and ear canal is enlarged to
provide easy cleabing of the cavity.
Although there are several types of mastoid surgery ,the approach and incision are
the same in all types of mastoidectomies.

What is the type of Incision? Will it be visible ?
Mastoidectomy incisions, irrespective of the type is usually post aural ( behind the
ear ) and usually not a visible scar . Most patients have it along or just away from
the ear crease.


Is the surgery painful ?
There is expected to be no to Minimal pain post surgery . However there might be
Minimal discomfort and soreness post procedure . Since ear dressing will be
applied , there might be fullness and transient compromised hearing. You will be
prescribed Painkillers and Antibiotics which you might have to use it for a week
post procedure. Post procedure, you will be applied mastoid dressing that might
have to stay for 3-5 days .


What are the postoperative care /advice to be followed ?
 Avoid strenuous work after surgery for atleast a week
 Avoid headbath for a month and a half
 Avoid using ear buds in the operated ear
 Avoid blowing of nose
 Avoid exposure to loud sounds
 Take the complete course of prescribed drugs post surgery
The recovery Is expected to be anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks. However you can
resume your routine activities ,work and school after

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